Teens In Drug Awareness Leading, Working And Valuing Self Esteem
WELCOME to TIDALWAVSE webpage. We are York High School's student advocates for chemical free lifestyles. We have chosen to complete high school without the use of substances. We hope you learn more about our objectives, participate in our fundraising events, and support our cause. You will find links that may be helpful. If you are someone in need of help, or you know someone in need of help, we hope that you use our website as a resource. As always, we hope that you will not hesitate to contact us. ENJOY!
YORK - The 13th successful Drug and Alcohol Awareness Week at York High School was held recently, organized by York's chemical-free youth group, TIDALWAVSE (Teens In Drug Awareness Leading Working and Valuing Self-Esteem) and their advisors, Gina Brodsky, school counselor & substance abuse counselor, and Sarah Bolanos, Spanish teacher.
YORK, Maine - Those buying beer in town may notice something different about the packaging this week. YORK, Maine - Those buying beer in town may notice something different about the packaging this week. Eleven York High School students and officers from the York Police Department placed stickers on alcoholic beverage containers at several area stores Monday night.
YORK- At York High School, an increasing number of students are saying it's cool not to use. YORK- At York High School, an increasing number of students are saying it's cool not to use. More than 100 teens are "sober friends," and have signed a pledge to be substance free for the academic year.
SANFORD - Teens from Marshwood High School's Wellness Group and York High School's TIDALWAVSE group star in a new marijuana prevention public service announcement. SANFORD - Teens from Marshwood High School's Wellness Group and York High School's TIDALWAVSE group star in a new marijuana prevention public service announcement.
Six students from York High School recently attended the annual two-day, statewide Maine Youth Leadership Summit in Augusta where they learned advocacy skills and heard peers share their empowering stories of community change and action.Kayla Edminster, Jack Northrop, and Abby Wood attended with chaperone and Choose To Be Healthy Substance Abuse Prevention Specialist, Devin Rowe; and Joe Yauch and Kelsey Cole were there as part of TIDALWAVSE with their adult advisor, Gina Brodsky.
YORK- York High School junior Connor Brown, a member of the school substance prevention group TIDALWAVSE, said his "anti-drug" is his sister. YORK- York High School junior Connor Brown, a member of the school substance prevention group TIDALWAVSE, said his "anti-drug" is his sister. A good friend, he said, "smokes a lot of marijuana."
YORK - According to 2006 data from the MYDAUS (the Maine Youth Drug and Alcohol Use Survey), a daunting 50 percent of York High School's graduating class has used drugs and/or alcohol. YORK - According to 2006 data from the MYDAUS (the Maine Youth Drug and Alcohol Use Survey), a daunting 50 percent of York High School's graduating class has used drugs and/or alcohol.